Friday, January 27, 2012

Our Children

As parents, we automatically are functioned to protect our children. My daughter is almost 11- months old and everything she does has to be "safety checked". Truth is, times have changed since we were babies. Today we hear of more parents "murdering" their children because they didn't realize how much their lives really were going to change. I look at this face and I just cant understand how any parent could give up on their child. This isn't just about murder, How many people give up on their children because the other parent is making it impossible for the other to see the child or even speak to them? That is only hurting the child the most. This is especially to all of you single parents out there. Why hurt your child and keep them away from the other parent? If the other parent is causing no danger to your child, then just let life go on for your child's sake. I see all too often that parents just find the child as a money ticket to get child support and what ever else from the other parent with out caring how much time their child gets with their other parent. Why don't most single parents see past the meal ticket and into their child's feelings? That is because they feel they are only hurting the other parent more. Prime example, I have not seen my nephew for over ten years. It hurts my entire family, but we have learned to live with the pain and hope that when he is 18 he will come find us. I almost gave up hope, then a few months ago, he sent me a message and a face book friends request. To my disappointment, by the time I tried to accept his request and send him a message back, his mother deleted his face book account on him. Now after ten years, we all miss him terribly, but what does that say for the poor child trying to contact the rest of his family? I look at my daughter and I know that everyday is such a blessing. No matter what happens, I would never hold an innocent child against one of her family members!

Stop Speaking of Casey Anthony on the News Channels

Hello everyone,
         My first topic to tackle is all the news attention that Tot- Mom Casey Anthony has been receiving after being acquitted of murdering her daughter. I personally feel that she got away with murder. Now all of these You- Tube videos are surfacing of her and "her new life" with her new blond bob. If we don't want to pay her or give her the fifteen minutes of fame that she wants, then why are most news stations showing her videos? Truth is, they want the interview at any cost. It goes as far as alleges that the "Jerry Springer Show" offered her a good amount of money for an appearance. Now, I would admit, Id love to see someone knock her around a few times without the body-guards breaking up the fight. HLN and most other news sites are always reporting her where-abouts, job offers, videos shes making, etc. These same channels that stated they would not make a name for her anymore than she has had from her trial. Any thoughts?